6th Father’s Day Tournament

Registration is now open

The Father’s Day Tournament is the most popular pickleball event in Twin Falls and always has a waiting list, but you can enter now to ensure your place and save money doing it with early registration.

 The event is a round-robin style tournament for doubles teams of all levels. Brackets are 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, and 5.0 for Men’s, Mixed, and Women’s teams. All events are to be played at Frontier Park in Twin Falls.

The Event Dates are;

Women’s Doubles     Thursday, June 13, 2024
Men’s Doubles          Friday, June 14, 2024 
Mixed Doubles          Saturday, June 15, 2024


Early registration is $40.00 for one event (Regular entries will be 45.00 after the early registration cut-off). Each additional event is $5. Pickleball Brackets charges $5.00 for a completed entry (regardless of the number of events entered). This does not go to the club organizers. To break it down, early registration will be 45.00 for one event and $50.00 for 2 events.

Please note: There is a maximum of 10 teams in each bracket, so please register early. If you have ANY issues registering, please call or text Jill Skeem, Tournament Director, at 208-320-2786 or email her at jill@jillskeem.com.

Jill always puts together great tournaments with good play and a lot of fun so don’t miss it! If you don’t have a partner, she can match you with someone by level of play.

Register for the 2024 Father’s Day Bash