M&M Tournament

The M&M Classic Tournament was held on September 17, 2022, at Frontier Park and was a lot of fun for everyone who attended. It was especially great to get to play on our new courts! We now have 12 and will make good use of them in the future as well.

This tournament used a different Round Robin format where players intermingled and each kept their team score to contribute to the results. That way we have a more social team environment and explains why there is one winner instead of two-person teams. Everyone enjoyed it and we’ll do it again!

A big thank you to all those who played, and a special thank you to the PBATF Board members who helped Tom Williams put together such a successful tournament. See you again next year.

And the Winners are

photo of M&M Tournament 3.0 winners
photo of the 3.5 M&M Tournament winners
photo of the 3.6 plus winners  of the M&M Tournament