The DUPR rating system’s purpose is to provide a universal method for all players to obtain a rating system that is fair and equitable. Having a rating can assist in setting up games with other players, and is used as a guideline for matching players or entering tournaments if you choose to play them. Although it can be set up as “clubs” of players, it is separate from PBATF. We’re confident about our choice to make DUPR the official rating system of The Pickleball Association of Twin Falls Pickleball Club.
What is DUPR?
Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating (DUPR) is the most accurate and only global rating system in pickleball. All players, regardless of age, gender, location, or skill, are rated on the same scale between 2.000-8.000 based on their match results.
Who can have a rating?
DUPR is free and anyone can have a rating.
One match result is all it takes to have a DUPR rating, and results of 5-10 matches are all it takes to have an even more accurate rating.
If you’ve ever played in a Pickleball tournament you most likely already have a DUPR rating and can claim your account at‘‘Building your rating is no longer limited to official tournaments or clinics. With DUPR, every match counts, even the ones in your backyard.” Once you create a free account, you can add your match scores on the app or the DUPR website.
How Does It Work?
DUPR is a modified Elo algorithm that uses a player’s last rating to update their new rating. The algorithm considers four factors:
- Points – If you win 11-3, you go up more than if you win 11-9. Competing against similar-level players will have a greater impact on your rating.
- Recency – When entering matches, more recent matches will move you more than old matches.
- Total Match Count – If you’ve played in a lot of matches, your rating will fluctuate less compared to a player with a lower match count.
- Every Match Matters – Every match counts toward your rating, even if you are playing against someone who is unrated or new to DUPR.
All players, regardless of age, gender, location, or skill, are rated on the same scale between 2.000-8.000 based on their match results.
2,000 to 2,999
3,000 to 3,999
4,000 to 4,999
5,000 to 5,999
Pickleball is
for everyone
How to Use DUPR
Since creating our DUPR club, we have had many questions about how DUPR works. Hopefully, this will help you all understand the process.
Directions to Sign Up
Creating a DUPR account is easy. Go to and create your free account. Please watch the following video, which explains things in more detail. (You may already have an account or placeholder account waiting for you that you just need to claim it).
- Download the free app and create an account
- Play a match and record the results
- Get your initial rating
Any time you log a match in DUPR, it contributes to your most accurate performance rating. Players can get a DUPR rating by playing games in a tournament, a specific DUPR event, or recreational play.
Tournament games played are usually entered by the tournament director. For recreational games, one individual will enter the game. Historical data and analytics allow you to see how far you’ve come as a player, and where you can go.
The app helps you easily find players and events to play. Follow your friend’s progress and coordinate open play, events, or training sessions.

Important Note
In order to enter a game in the DUPR system, all players must have a DUPR account or a DUPR placeholder account. The Lack of players having DUPR accounts is preventing many others from getting DUPR ratings. Please help your fellow picklers by getting a DUPR account – remember it is simple and free to do.
How Games Are Verified
Games entered in DUPR require validation. This means that DUPR sends an email to all players involved in the match.
Validation means:
For a successful rating system,
To learn more or register, please visit